Sunday, July 6, 2008


How rude of me to jump right into the thick of it without a proper introduction. Several times already I have been asked why I'm writing this page. I guess the blog summary titled "Awareness" is not sufficiently descriptive. I hope to accomplish two goals here: first to provide insight into what its like to be an endurance athlete, and second to promote understanding with the type of person I am and why I am this way. I will address the first goal by using this page partially as a log containing descriptive accounts of my races and endeavors. I plan to address the second goal by speaking my mind on topics that are important to me. I will warn you that this page is not here for your entertainment. It is as much for my benefit as anyone else's; an outlet to record my thoughts--to have something permanent to draw from in order not to have to entrust them to the unreliability of memory. It is for those who know of me to gain understanding and hopefully learn a thing or two. What I write here is not open for discussion. This is the way it is; the way I am. I will not reply to any comments posted here, and if I feel they take away from what I am trying to do with this page I will promptly remove the commenting feature. This is not to say I don't value your opinion. Quite the contrary. If you have something poignant to say I absolutely want to hear it. A closed mind is a small one, and as opinionated and as obstinate as I may appear, I want every side of the story and as many informative perspectives as possible before I come to any conclusion, regardless of the subject. Do not mistake my tone; simply because I am writing of things that may come across as harsh does not mean I am angry or out to put anyone down. Do not take this page personally; that's my job.

I will be the first to admit that I subscribe to elitism. This is the result of a lifestyle and an outlook on life that leaves no room for compromise. I believe that those who work hard should be valued over those who do not. I believe that those who take care of their health and put forth a sincere effort to better themselves should be valued over those who merely coast through life and settle for less. I believe that those who are productive and take the initiative should be valued over those who take advantage of that productivity and catch a free ride. In my eyes, the status or position you hold does not define how accomplished you are. Instead, the amount of challenging work and sacrifice you have endured determines the magnitude of your accomplishment. Make no mistake about it--the black belt is elite, the white belt is not. Being handed a black belt before your first day of training is obviously not an accomplishment. It is not my intention to offend anyone, and if you find your feelings being hurt as a result of what or how I am then that is your problem, not mine--you may want to address the insecurities that your defensiveness stems from.

I am also fully aware that perspective changes according to your seating arrangement. What one person may value another may not. Very few people understand my perspective, and far, far less can claim that they share it. I do not expect you to take what I say as law; an infallible author is a liar and a fraud. With these things in mind I again ask that you read this page with an open mind. Anything I state as fact I believe to be self-evident. If there is the potential for any confusion you can rest assured I will extensively clarify. Welcome to my blog.

Viewer discretion advised.

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